Tutoring and Test Preparation
Learning Express
LearningExpress Library is an online resouce that helps students improve their academic and career skills, and prepare for tests and exams. You can:
- Academic skills: Improve reading, writing, and math skills for elementary school through adult levels
- Test preparation: Practice for entrance exams, high school equivalency tests, college admissions exams, and more.
- Career skills: Build resumes and cover ltters, practice interview skills, and learn about job search strategies.
LearningExpress Library
WIN Courseware
WIN Career Readiness Assessment is administered to all eleventh and twelvth grade students in high school. The South Carolina Career Ready Test includes four component subtests – one soft skills specific assessment and three employability skills (math / reading / data) assessments. Together the four assessments measure the most common transferable skills that employers nationwide define as foundational for career readiness. The assessments provide students an opportunity to apply job skills – not just simply demonstrate concept knowledge.
Students can earn credentials by achieving a Level 2 - Level 5. To be considered "career-ready", students must earn a Level 3 or higher. As early as 9th grade, students can prepare for this assessment by working in the courseware. Click the WIN Readiness Study Site Guide below for instructions.
WIN Readiness Study Site Guide
Academic Skills Courseware Modules:
- Work Ready Math builds mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills to prepare learners to solve real-life workplace problems, such as calculating dimensions, costs, and percentages; reviewing transactions to ensure accuracy; and comparing rates.
- Work Ready Reading builds reading comprehension and reasoning skills to prepare learners to utilize documents in the workplace, such as memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, policies, and regulations. Skills include obtaining and applying new vocabulary; following complex instructions; and understanding policies and procedures.
- Work Ready Data builds analytical skills to prepare learners to interpret sources of data in the workplace, such as charts, graphs, tables, flowcharts, diagrams, and maps. Skills include identifying trends among variables, recognizing significant and extraneous data points, and drawing conclusions from one or more sources of data.
Certificate of Completion Levels
- Achievement Level 5: Pass the posttests for Ready 5 in all three modules and earn a certificate of completion that indicates you are prepared to pass the National Work Readiness Credential - Academic Skills at Achievement Level 5, demonstrating foundational skills to pursue career pathways for O*NET Job Zones 1-5 occupations, which make up 100% of jobs.
- Achievement Level 4: Pass the posttests for Ready 4 in all three modules and earn a certificate of completion that indicates you are prepared to pass the National Work Readiness Credential - Academic Skills at Achievement Level 4, demonstrating foundational skills to pursue career pathways for O*NET Job Zones 1-4 occupations, which make up 83% of jobs.
- Achievement Level 3: Pass the posttests for Ready 3 in all three modules and earn a certificate of completion that indicates you are prepared to pass the National Work Readiness Credential - Academic Skills at Achievement Level 3, demonstrating foundational skills to pursue career pathways for O*NET Job Zones 1-3 occupations, which make up 60% of jobs.
- Achievement Level 2: Pass the posttests for Ready 2 in all three modules and earn a certificate of completion that indicates you are prepared to pass the National Work Readiness Credential - Academic Skills at Achievement Level 2, demonstrating foundational skills to pursue career pathways for O*NET Job Zones 1-2 occupations, which make up 35% of jobs.